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Office Manager


Office Manager is a Unified Communication client which provides entire organization visibility and the tools to enhance employees' collaboration like Call Control, Contact Management, Directory Services, Calendar Lookup, Presence/Absence information, etc. Its powerful Pop-up features and Embedded Browsing capabilities ensure the widest 3rd party integration support available. Supports different native Agent status and its built-in personal Wallboard allows you to show metrics like call load, group members, available agents, etc.

Pakketversie Status Start distributie
Laatste versie In gebruik 30-8-2022

Uitleg versie

Office Manager is a Unified Communication client which provides entire organization visibility and the tools to enhance employees' collaboration like Call Control, Contact Management, Directory Services, Calendar Lookup, Presence/Absence information, etc. Its powerful Pop-up features and Embedded Browsing capabilities ensure the widest 3rd party integration support available. Supports different native Agent status and its built-in personal Wallboard allows you to show metrics like call load, group members, available agents, etc.


In gebruik

Start ontwikkeling


Start test


Start distributie

Pakket geschikt voor (WILMA)Ingevuld door (1)

Aantal waterschappen met een versie van het pakket "in productie". NIET die een versie "gepland" hebben. Is vertrouwelijk.

Relatiebeheercomponent (CRM)1 waterschap

Details pakketversie: Office Manager Laatste versie - Status: In gebruik

Door leverancier toegevoegde standaarden

Er zijn geen toegevoegde standaarden


Er zijn geen applicatiefuncties ingevuld.

Pakketversie Ondersteunde technologieën

On premise