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An open source modelling toolkit to create ArchiMate models and sketches. Used by thousands of Enterprise Architects throughout the world.

Pakketversie Status Start distributie
4.7 In ontwikkeling 1-10-2020

Uitleg versie

Archi Beta This beta version of Archi 4.7 gives you the opportunity to test new features before full release. We try hard to minimise bugs, but obviously we cannot guarantee this. Please ensure you back up your data first before testing this version, and please use test data only. If you already have a version of Archi installed, install this beta version into a separate location. Please report any bugs or issues on the GitHub Issue Tracker. What’s new in this version? For a full list of the changes please read the Change Log (https://www.archimatetool.com/downloads/beta/change-log.txt). The main features implemented are importing and merging one Archi Model into another and label text expressions. The Archi help documentation and Archi User Guide has more information for information on model importing/merging. For information regarding label text expressions, please see here (https://github.com/archimatetool/archi/wiki/Label-Expressions).


In ontwikkeling

Start ontwikkeling


Start test


Start distributie

4.6 In gebruik 16-5-2020

Uitleg versie

The latest version is Archi 4.6.0, released on 11 November 2019. This version of Archi supports ArchiMate 3.1. Please uninstall any previous version of Archi before installing this one.


In gebruik

Start ontwikkeling


Start test


Start distributie

Pakket geschikt voor (WILMA)Ingevuld door (9)

Aantal waterschappen met een versie van het pakket "in productie". NIET die een versie "gepland" hebben. Is vertrouwelijk.

Architectuurcomponent9 waterschappen

Details pakketversie: Archi 4.6 - Status: In gebruik

Door leverancier toegevoegde standaarden

Er zijn geen toegevoegde standaarden


Er zijn geen applicatiefuncties ingevuld.

Pakketversie Ondersteunde technologieën

On premise